Great Hills is home to the toughest barriers to people living Valoran. Only they with great strength and fitness levels are able to live in is probably the most hostile and difficult environment in Runaterra. It is Here, south of Noxus, lived a powerful Gragas. The construction of a monstrous man was sick and tired of the rules of the civilized world and came to his "antechamber of paradise" as he called it a place. With its solitude can indulge his lifelong passion - piwowarstwu. Grog, beer, honey and wine - there is no liquor, which is unable Gragas brewing. However, it is something that makes the drinks really unique - it is the proximity of a powerful source of magic. That source is filtered to the fermentation products of our brewer, which, moreover, by all these years, he drank so much of the fortified wines that you would quench the thirst of the whole army. Magic, of course, alcohol does not remain without effect on the body Gragasa - thus exceeds the growth of any man, and as befits a model beer drinker's belly is 2x bigger than the biggest drunkard. How unnatural even though the size was too small, it has the added benefit Gragasa ornery temperament - also driven by beverage and magic. His rare visits to the Noxus always end the same way - Gragas enters the tavern - Gragas initiated several fights - Gragas knocks many citizens - Gragas reluctantly flees Noxiańską the police when it gets too hot.
His case drew attention from the League of Przywoływaczy Legend. Drinker now eagerly knocks enemies on the battlefield ... both strong and hard liquor fist
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