Way above the clouds on Mount Gargantuan inhabit generation of people known as Stanpar who worship struggle and war as penulimtate (I have no idea) art forms. They remember the Runeterra Runewars and the tower that the League of Legends can stop the rise of violence in a very long time. Each member of the tribe is a disciplined and trained as a warrior that fights with Noxian or Demacian. They are outnumbered troops at least ten to one. Stanpar Warriors are trained to kill not only their bare hands but to worship the weapons of their ancestors. These things are passed down from generation to generation, to use Runeterra mystical character in a very generic way. They are a relic weapons are among the most dangerous warriors - and it's no wonder that found their way into the hands of the League of Legends Panteon'ów. This stone warrior is a model of its people, its existence and the love hymn to the martial arts. Pantheon found it offensive that people Valoran wanted to create an organization that would be to stop the war, along with the so-called masters of war, without taking into account Stanpar. Pantheon left his tribe, and armed with the relics of ancestors, went to the League to show the world the true warrior. I do not care who he fights, and does not care about the pageantry and prestige of the League heroes, but it lives only in its raw glory of battle. As long as you breathe the Pantheon, so long will fight to kill another enemy to defeat.
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