Far away, in the kingdom Lockfar, Olaf was born in a long tradition of warriors. Berserkers, as they say about them people are the warriors who are able to improve their awareness in the fight, thus allowing the release deeply dormant in their anger. Lockfarianie are also sailors who invade all those who are within reach of their long beaks dragon boats. Olaf last fatal voyage was an expedition in search of a distant land of legends, the new space, which could rob Lockfarianie. A terrible storm that met them during the voyage, meant that Olaf and its crew lost in the sea. Their ship was destroyed, the crew perished, but the sea washed Olaf miracle for the unknown shores Demacii Valoran the south, hundreds of miles from home. This place is stunned and horrified Berserker, a place where there are so many incredibly powerful mages, this is not a house for Lockfara. Approaching them, Olaf had hoped that they could find a way to send him back to his people. Hopes, however, proved futile. Olaf had a choice to stay and use your amazing fighting skills in unusual Valoran battles in the League of Legends. In return, will help magicians him find his way home. Although participation in the League, Olaf knew that it was better not to trust the warlocks of the Institute of War. Deliberately kept details about his life and a home away from them. If you know where to look Lockfarian, dominated them, just as they did it secretly from Valoran, which is now in their captivity.
war cry Watch out for Berserk. This is what goes after you, is relentless and freed from the shackles of the mind.
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