There is a hidden temple in the mountains between Noxus and Tempest Flats, where secrets are kept ancient and terrifying spells. The area surrounding the temple is littered with decomposing corpses of those who mistakenly zawędrowali too close. They used them only as a medium of curiosity, Vladimir, when - in his youth - pass through the mountains during his flight from Noxus (a little weird sentence). A day earlier, a teenage brutally murdered Vladimir two boys of his age. He could not find a better reason than the pure pleasure derived from intoxicating crimson color. Immediately he realized that would never be able to suppress the murderous desires, and should a Noxus remained in his foolish actions will niosłyby associated with high consequences. Without thinking he left town and went to the south. The trail of bodies led him to the crumbling stone temple. Inside was an aging monk, who assessed him on the eyes of pure scarlet. Monk drew attention to his bad eyesight, who caught him ardently. Recognizing the evil desires of a boy, he learned how to Vladimir control and manipulate fluid of life, often passing that way travelers. When it's time to Vladimir took his last lesson, the monk had warned him that the failure in it, brings death. Vladimir did not disappoint, but spawned a terrifying surprise. During the ritual, every drop of blood flowing out of the monk's body was connected with Vladimir contributing to the magical essence of his master, and each Hemomancera before him. Left to itself, without any purpose, Vladimir decided to return to Noxus demanding participation in the League, to prove the superiority of their craft. When the High Command Noxian have observed how gruesome fate of the palace guards, fearing for themselves, they decided to use the talents of unpalatable that Vladimir was served.
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