Tuesday, August 31, 2010
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Clash willpower. I'm down with far too skinny husky ... : /
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
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city-state is twisted Zaun (crazy?) The place where science and magic intertwine run amok. How powerful is the polluted air in Zaun, the underground is contaminated much worse. Waste from different experiments, both scientific and magical flow together in a sewer, mixed in a mysterious and toxic concoctions. One of the nightmares caused by the alchemical madness is the plague of rats. Unlike their smaller cousins \u200b\u200bhave evolved with it, Twitch (as he calls himself name) can speak, read and take interactions with the world, as well as all other sentient beings in Valoran. Twitch joined the League of Legends to represent himself jako''jedynego of its kind''in the Fields of Justice.
'A scholar once said: "Rats are notorious scourge." Incidentally there is a puddle of poison in the shape like him.''
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ancient form of magic there, forgotten by many and rejected by the few. This magic land, resonant crystal and jewels. My father was a healer of lumber in their city, in a world far away.
Taric was always interested in the work of his father, even from an early age. Despite his growing understanding of herbs, plants and animal medicine, it is the power of jewels most fascinated the young boy. It was not long before the desired Taric exhausted before him his father's library and went on my own on a trip. He did not want to be a healer, but the defender - someone who uses the power of the earth for protection. TARIC quickly became a wandering knight, known throughout the country. That is, until the day when the summon spell took him from his home and put it on Runeterze. Now, Taric longs for the world, although it is lucky that he can fight in the League to protect anyone who is in need.
"As his father taught him lumber, each stone has its own importance. For the enemies of lumber, all they mean trouble. "
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When other young yordle played in class and did the braided wreaths bouquets, gathered Poppy burns and grease in the garage of his płatnerskim father. Blomgrun was known and respected armourer and he called his daughter to the energetic sounds of the accompanying iskrom jumping on his ever-burning forges. He was filled with pride when she first raised his trusted hammer - Whomper. One day Blomgrun was set to forge a great helmet for damaciańskiego general. But the information was made known to the High Commander noxiańskiego and two of his best spies attacked the caravan Blomgruna. Although Poppy escaped with a helmet, she looked helplessly at his father's death. Rather than flee the house, she reported to Damacii helmet. When damacjański General saw a grim determination behind the tears in her eyes, made the request to the authorities to accept the City Bandle Poppy as ambassador yordlańskiego Damacii. Shortly afterwards, wanting to crush the hammer Noxus father, Poppy was admitted to the League of Legends.
Poppy may be small, but Whomper - or her spirit - definitely not.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
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In most stories the phoenix is \u200b\u200ba fiery creature that is reborn from its own ashes. But few know that phoenixes are elemental, formed by eternal essences of their home world. Anivia was conceived in the world's coldest winter as a creature of pure elemental ice. In her world Anivia was the guardian of ice deserts, and all strong enough to withstand the spirit of this merciless place. Was known as a creature of great wisdom, that which can not die and the renewal of the world had seen several times. Somehow Anivia knew that one day, which will be snatched from his home and taken out by the worlds. When that day came the call took a sigh of relief. Seeing the imbalance and injustice the Runterze, world without guards elemental Anivia residing in the League of Legends.
"Some people say the world will end in fire, others that it will freeze. Anivia waiting for a second."
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There is an ancient law dating from the Japanese islands, which is dedicated to maintaining the balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness - all these things must exist in harmony, it is so arranged the universe. This order is known as Kinkou and employs a triumvirate Shadow warriors to maintain their ideas of the world. Kennen is one of those shadow warriors entrusted with the sacred duty of Enchantment Sun - tireless transfer Kinkou justice. Kennen
born in Bandle City and reportedly in the first moments of life, first escaped from the womb, and then the hands of the midwife who brought him. His parents thought that the magnitude of its energy will be superior to him, but when I saw his energy has ceased to have any limitations, which bore fruit of its unmatched speed. Despite his amazing gifts, and remained unnoticed or at least nieuchwycony, because it was a good joker. That was until I dared to run the Great Wall outside Placidium. When news of this he reached the ears of Kinkou, Kennen quickly and quietly won the audience. He stated that the role of the Heart of the storm suits him, because he carried the word and sentence Kinkou the whole kingdom. Currently he is working with his buddies: Akali and Shen to bring balance to Valoran. This holy chase, surprisingly led the triumvirate for the Fields of Justice (Fields of Justice).
storm beating heart forever ... and these beatings are stored forever.
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long before the settlement of the League of magic, wizards have experimented with creating artificial life. Now banned, the planting of golems was once fairly common practice by the experts crafts. One of these visionaries was demacki inventor, Durand. Unparalleled in the craft of sentient beings, Durand invented tireless guardians of the borders of the province with his beloved city-state, providing residents with protection from neighbors Noxian. In his own defense, Durand stopped their outstanding work: Gallo. This powerful design - carved in the likeness of Gargoyle - ensure the safety of the inventor in his travels for them to exercise their important work without fear of retaliation by the enemies of his homeland. Specifically, until the settlement of his taxable guards - is finally aroused the wrath of the Supreme Command Noxian. When Durand crossed
Wetlands Howling (Howling Marsh), towing his work, was kidnapped by noxiańskich killers. Galio overwhelmed by outnumbered the attackers, looked on with horror as the killers lower fees designated by Durand, killing him and back again quickly disappearing in the mist. Deprived of reason to life, Gallo fell into despair. Over the years he stayed alone, watching over his master's bones, which failed and did not protect ... literal monument to his own never-ending infamy. Then, one of an unspecified date, sad but determined Yordlanka demacką carrying a huge crown stopped in the shadow of a large statue to rest. Hidden from the sight of an unexpected guest, Gallo pondering the lonely Yordlanką. She looked like she was carrying a huge burden on his shoulders. So quiet and stoically with what came, drove off in the direction of Demacii. This meeting of the spark in his eye inflame Gallo. Remembering that he was the cause of the death of his master, Gallo was from his silent purgatory and walked in the footsteps of the brave little creature, who rested with him. Now had a new reason to live: join the League of Legends and will fight for Demacii.
"There is no such thing as redemption. There is only repentance." - Gallo
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One of the many. As usual, exceptional and unique. Saturday night in a slightly annoyed and miserable condition, but on Sunday morning, lazy days by all the pleasure I hope that was not only on my side ... Spisuję agreement - at least one month may be a breeding ground for internal lazy:)
Friday, August 13, 2010
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Far away, in the kingdom Lockfar, Olaf was born in a long tradition of warriors. Berserkers, as they say about them people are the warriors who are able to improve their awareness in the fight, thus allowing the release deeply dormant in their anger. Lockfarianie are also sailors who invade all those who are within reach of their long beaks dragon boats. Olaf last fatal voyage was an expedition in search of a distant land of legends, the new space, which could rob Lockfarianie. A terrible storm that met them during the voyage, meant that Olaf and its crew lost in the sea. Their ship was destroyed, the crew perished, but the sea washed Olaf miracle for the unknown shores Demacii Valoran the south, hundreds of miles from home. This place is stunned and horrified Berserker, a place where there are so many incredibly powerful mages, this is not a house for Lockfara. Approaching them, Olaf had hoped that they could find a way to send him back to his people. Hopes, however, proved futile. Olaf had a choice to stay and use your amazing fighting skills in unusual Valoran battles in the League of Legends. In return, will help magicians him find his way home. Although participation in the League, Olaf knew that it was better not to trust the warlocks of the Institute of War. Deliberately kept details about his life and a home away from them. If you know where to look Lockfarian, dominated them, just as they did it secretly from Valoran, which is now in their captivity.
war cry Watch out for Berserk. This is what goes after you, is relentless and freed from the shackles of the mind.
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rarely the case when the champion is determined on the basis of its actions after joining the League of Legends, and not before. That is precisely the case of Jax, which may be an argument that he is currently the most prolific fighter tournament at the Institute of War. The self-proclaimed "armourer League" has voiced winning streak, which so far has not been interrupted. It was feared that the general objectives of the battle arenas will be challenged by a warrior who is invincible, so once league imposed special penalties for Jax. Burly warrior as a protest, put in place for each special condition, namely that the fight could only use a brass lantern. Neither the League of sanctions if its own restrictions did not stop the waves victorious battles Jax. League eventually rescinded its sanctions, but not him. Until today, struggling with his well-trusted with the brass lantern.
"Be careful - there were a few bruises in the shape of a lantern in the League Legend
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Great Hills is home to the toughest barriers to people living Valoran. Only they with great strength and fitness levels are able to live in is probably the most hostile and difficult environment in Runaterra. It is Here, south of Noxus, lived a powerful Gragas. The construction of a monstrous man was sick and tired of the rules of the civilized world and came to his "antechamber of paradise" as he called it a place. With its solitude can indulge his lifelong passion - piwowarstwu. Grog, beer, honey and wine - there is no liquor, which is unable Gragas brewing. However, it is something that makes the drinks really unique - it is the proximity of a powerful source of magic. That source is filtered to the fermentation products of our brewer, which, moreover, by all these years, he drank so much of the fortified wines that you would quench the thirst of the whole army. Magic, of course, alcohol does not remain without effect on the body Gragasa - thus exceeds the growth of any man, and as befits a model beer drinker's belly is 2x bigger than the biggest drunkard. How unnatural even though the size was too small, it has the added benefit Gragasa ornery temperament - also driven by beverage and magic. His rare visits to the Noxus always end the same way - Gragas enters the tavern - Gragas initiated several fights - Gragas knocks many citizens - Gragas reluctantly flees Noxiańską the police when it gets too hot.
His case drew attention from the League of Przywoływaczy Legend. Drinker now eagerly knocks enemies on the battlefield ... both strong and hard liquor fist
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nasus - Guardian of the Sands
enigmatic monstrosity known as nasus, came to the League from a distant world in which it was subjected to the ruler of a vast and developed desert empire. There was respected as a wise and enlightened as the guardian of the Great Library. Nasus belongs to an ancient race of creatures that are a combination of humans and animals. This race is as a defender and supervisor of humanity. (? 1) tore the Empire continued the war between humans and the humanoid beasts (?) Nasus like all his countrymen, seek to enslave humanity, and the introduction of totalitarian governments. In the heat of one of the fierce battles, the nasus trying on the treacherous task Renekhtonowi blow to his brother, was suddenly called to Runaterry. It did not take long to convince nasus to fight in the League, ruled kindled when he heard about the fight against the League of injustice in the name of creating better world. Now, as the Guardian of the Sands likes to stay in the desert Shurima where it feels almost like home.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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There is a hidden temple in the mountains between Noxus and Tempest Flats, where secrets are kept ancient and terrifying spells. The area surrounding the temple is littered with decomposing corpses of those who mistakenly zawędrowali too close. They used them only as a medium of curiosity, Vladimir, when - in his youth - pass through the mountains during his flight from Noxus (a little weird sentence). A day earlier, a teenage brutally murdered Vladimir two boys of his age. He could not find a better reason than the pure pleasure derived from intoxicating crimson color. Immediately he realized that would never be able to suppress the murderous desires, and should a Noxus remained in his foolish actions will niosłyby associated with high consequences. Without thinking he left town and went to the south. The trail of bodies led him to the crumbling stone temple. Inside was an aging monk, who assessed him on the eyes of pure scarlet. Monk drew attention to his bad eyesight, who caught him ardently. Recognizing the evil desires of a boy, he learned how to Vladimir control and manipulate fluid of life, often passing that way travelers. When it's time to Vladimir took his last lesson, the monk had warned him that the failure in it, brings death. Vladimir did not disappoint, but spawned a terrifying surprise. During the ritual, every drop of blood flowing out of the monk's body was connected with Vladimir contributing to the magical essence of his master, and each Hemomancera before him. Left to itself, without any purpose, Vladimir decided to return to Noxus demanding participation in the League, to prove the superiority of their craft. When the High Command Noxian have observed how gruesome fate of the palace guards, fearing for themselves, they decided to use the talents of unpalatable that Vladimir was served.
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Most ideas about yordlach are not too terrible. A small breed lekkoduchów, though fierce, is generally considered a good-natured. But it always happens yordel, which becomes so bad that even with his little attitude, sow terror in the hearts innch. Veigar is such a twisted yordlem - a master of black arts of magic and demoralizator cosmic energy. These titles make him one of the most feared mages Valoran. Veigar was once one of those rare yordlów, who decided to trade with the outside world. Over the years imprisoned in a country-town Noxus Veigar slowly falling into madness cut off from his people. I finally got out, but instead return to Bandle City, began to look at the dark mage teachings throughout the world. It intends to end all conflicts Valoran forcing each city-state to a bow, regardless of nationality.
"Who said that evil must come in the form of terrifying?"
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dangerous infectious magic that dominated the Earth has an impact on his life within its borders. Rammus is the living example. Nobody is entirely sure how battleship from the desert Shurima passed through the jungles Kumungu - practically niezraniony - but he did it. Caught in an explosion of wild magic, Rammus begun to develop. Within a week, became a man-sized, the next week, gained consciousness. Prompted the question - what now?. Is there really was no place for a battleship in the world - with the exception of the League of Legends? His new form was certainly prepared for battle, and especially the defense. However, the newly discovered deposits of humor led him to create a lethal armor in excess of their natural protection, thanks to ago there was a horrific birth Armordillo!
'Laugh at his name, laugh with his armor and Rammus will laugh as well. But he will still be you powalał to earth! "
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unusual situation is out of town meeting yordla Bandle, but a representative of the breed called Heimerdinger never could resist the allure of science and knowledge. Once, United University Pilton called him to go to the City of Progress. He knew perfectly well that it will not able to prosper without the other members of their species, thus collected yordli similar to himself to accompany him in this task. Together with his companions, he founded a new academy - Yordlańską Academies of Science and Progress. Since that time, is considered one of the greatest geniuses of modern times. Heimerdinger acknowledged consuming Valoran war as unacceptable and said that science is a measure designed to save świat.Przybył Legend of the League to prove his theory into practice. "Science goes to the front, do not try to stop her,"
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tay-sachs Interesting Facts

There is an ancient law dating from the Ionian Islands devoted to preserving the balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness - everything must be in perfect harmony, because this is the way the universe. This order is known as the triumvirate Kinkou and employs shadow warriors in order to maintain the world's causes. Akali is one of the warriors of shadow, which was entrusted with a sacred duty pruning - eliminating those who threaten the equilibrium Valoran.
talented sztukmistrzyni fighting, Akali, began training with her mother as soon as they learned make a fist. Discipline was her mother's relentless and ruthless, but based on the fundamental principle: "We do what needs to be done." When Kinkou appointed her at the age of fourteen, his hand would chop into pieces hanging chain. There was no doubt - could surpass her mother as the Fist of Shadow. She had much to do in the role that others probably felt morally questionable, but it is to safeguard the inviolable doctrine of her mother. Now working with her brothers and Shen Kennenem to maintain a balance in Valoran. It is no surprise that this holy triumvirate led to the pursuit of Justice.
Shadow Fist strikes from the veil of death itself. Do not violate the balance.
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Lonian On the islands there is an ancient organization dedicated to preserving peace. Chaos, light, darkness - everything must be in perfect harmony in the universe. This order is known as Kinkou and to maintain it are employed in the shadow warriors. Shen is one such warrior, devoted to the performance requirement regardless of the situation.
born in the clan, whose members were decorated Rank Kinkou generations. Shen trained his whole life to be a "Twilight Window" to decide what needs to be done in the interest of balance. His final attempt was a ceremony in which his father was tortured before his eyes. Any response meant disqualification, but he never once turned up or not mrugnoł. As the eye of Twilight, Shen must make decisions without regard for the feelings. He is currently working with his brothers and Kenen Akali the implementation Valoran balance. The exercise of this holy surprise and led to justice. Twilight Eye
not despair because of his victims, he sees only the balance of elegance. "
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Way above the clouds on Mount Gargantuan inhabit generation of people known as Stanpar who worship struggle and war as penulimtate (I have no idea) art forms. They remember the Runeterra Runewars and the tower that the League of Legends can stop the rise of violence in a very long time. Each member of the tribe is a disciplined and trained as a warrior that fights with Noxian or Demacian. They are outnumbered troops at least ten to one. Stanpar Warriors are trained to kill not only their bare hands but to worship the weapons of their ancestors. These things are passed down from generation to generation, to use Runeterra mystical character in a very generic way. They are a relic weapons are among the most dangerous warriors - and it's no wonder that found their way into the hands of the League of Legends Panteon'ów. This stone warrior is a model of its people, its existence and the love hymn to the martial arts. Pantheon found it offensive that people Valoran wanted to create an organization that would be to stop the war, along with the so-called masters of war, without taking into account Stanpar. Pantheon left his tribe, and armed with the relics of ancestors, went to the League to show the world the true warrior. I do not care who he fights, and does not care about the pageantry and prestige of the League heroes, but it lives only in its raw glory of battle. As long as you breathe the Pantheon, so long will fight to kill another enemy to defeat.
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Friday, August 6, 2010
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Sure the babies who do not want to play in class, because wdziały for high heels ... : /