As always, the blog mourning, but now niebezpodstawna. The thing is constant stupendous. He retired bowler. He left a painful and shameful death! After a close encounter of the third degree with four letters, the acute resuscitation, cuceniu, defibrillation and fingers uciskaniu sensitive sites, we found that the curves are permanent and do not indicate the possibility wyklepania. Oppression, breath, tightness, breath! Fibrillation. Nothing. So straight to the emergency room took his last journey to the dissecting room. Autopsy. Cause of death of the deceased? Crushed with effect fatal. Burial will be, I sent mourners. Do not despair, do not łkam, nor did I get into apathy, from which we have a clone? The new is already doing in the textile laboratory! In general, the same day some pathological histories, first murder, treason extramarital now. Yes, I betrayed my favorite diesels in the amount already showing a certain deviation (3 pairs), to
Converse All Star
. About me unfaithful! In addition, in love! But today I have superową, universal, asymmetric shirt from LOVE
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