do not know whether you are aware, but the wardrobes, cupboards and more dedicated to our fathers, grandfathers, brothers, or uncles, they hide a lot of old sweaters, which, whether by an authoritarian mother, if present taste above, were sentenced to banishment. Lie beneath billion tatowych tie maminych neckerchiefs, under a pile of jeans from the time of 'weight' prosperous household, the aprons of the lessons native technology, sweetheart blouse with Pewexu ... and wait. Waiting for Freddie Kreuger, killer of small, innocent, obciachowych sweaters. Such a beast lurking in the scissors, podrzyna collar, cuffs odrąbuje, rip welts, tears and burns alive guts all flocs caused by murder. If I lock mechanism clamps the traces of this woolen carnage, no one will know nothing about it, and you will enjoy wonderful reincarnation of the old koszmarka. So as you can guess, today, in the lead role after crossing a sweater, dress THE SCARLET
. backpack - Aldo
shredded sweater - DIY
necklace - CC Skye via

wedges- Jeffrey Campbell
bracelelet -
sauvée /

<p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><br><br>  <br></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
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